Embrace the extraordinary in everyday life

This book is for those who refuse to believe that suffering and the mundane are all we came to earth to experience.  Embedded within the stories of this book are healing manifestation codes that can completely change your thought patterns, life, and even your very DNA if you will allow them to.

The invisible, the intangible, the things you can sense are more real and life-giving sometimes than the things you can touch or see. Like those moments where you just know something, but can't quite explain why. Or where seemingly everything is working against you, but just at the moment you needed it something shifted and it changed everything. 

There is a silent whisper in your heart that is telling you that there is more to life and more to you. Listen.

Each of the stories in this book will invite you to feel the reality of the magic inside and around us in our collective human experience every single day. 

Now that you can see it in their lives, can you more readily embody it in yours?

Melisa Keenan


Keynote speaker, intimacy expert and six-time international bestselling author, Melisa Keenan is the founder of H.O.P.E. the Heart Open Publishing Company, a book publishing company rooted in integrity, transparency and community.

Meet the Authors

Wendy Cox


Patrick Linfante's journey has been one of profound transformation, marked by both deep valleys and exhilarating mountaintops. From a place of personal brokenness, he emerged as an Ironman—an embodiment of resilience and determination. Patrick now leverages his hard-won wisdom to inspire and guide others, offering them a roadmap to forge their unique paths toward their dreams.

Through his work, Patrick empowers readers to reimagine their futures and reclaim the essence of their lives. He paints vivid pictures of possibility, encouraging individuals to pursue their aspirations with unwavering conviction. Patrick's message resonates with those seeking renewed purpose and direction, guiding them through the complexities of personal growth and self-discovery.

As an Author, Speaker and Motivator, Patrick Linfante embodies the belief that every setback is a setup for a comeback. His story serves as a testament to the transformative power of perseverance and the limitless potential within each of us to rise above adversity and achieve greatness.







Alana Connelly


Sally-Shakti Willow is a Star Priestess and Visionary Writing Guide, who loves to support Soul-Centred Visionaries to get their words onto the page and tell their transformational stories, so they can change lives and change the world.

She has a PhD in Poetry and has published seven books so far. Sally-Shakti has been teaching writing for over 20 years; combining ritual, ceremony, and writing in her own work and with others since 2010.

Sally-Shakti is the Founder of Writing & Thriving - a book coaching company helping Visionary Writers to Write, Publish and Launch their Transformational Book in 90 Days. She was featured in LA Weekly’s 15 Book Coaches to Watch in June 2023.

As a gift to you, Sally-Shakti has created The Golden Chalice Meditation to support you to connect with the Infinite Source of Abundance and Creative Kundalini that is your birthright. 

You can find that here:


Wendy is busy creating her magical and miracle-filled life. She is a mom to three amazing grown kids and a grandma to three adorable grandchildren. She loves spending time with her family and friends. She lives in a beautiful mountain valley in Southern Utah. 

Her offers include:

-Success Coaching for Women Entreprenuers-Helping clients to quiet their self-sabotage and turn it into strengths a. And get into the flow of manifesting miracles. 

-Life Coaching

-Energy Healing Sessions

-Hypnotherapy/Guided Imagery Sessions

-Astrology Sessions - birth charts, solar returns

-Foot Zoning Sessions - with sugar foot scrub and light therapy

-Restorative Partner Yoga Sessions - 1/2-2 hour sessions. Client gains flexibility and energy- clearing


-Yoga Teacher

Wendy loves hiking, kayaking, mountain biking, boating, beaches, mountains, reading, movies, live theater, dancing, traveling, pickleball, bowling, and hosting parties. Last year she completed 108 hikes. 

Nothing makes Wendy happier than helping women to succeed in business and in life.

Are you interested in receiving my FREE Guide for Getting and Staying in the Miracle and Magic Flow? 

Go to this link

I am also a Success and Mindset Coach for Small Business owners, and love helping my clients to get into the miracle and magic flow. Want to learn about my Get Into the Miracle Flow Program? There is a discount for a limited time.

Go to this link:

My website is:


Patrick Linfante


Alana Connelly is an international best-selling author, a spiritual coach, integrative health practitioner, small business owner, and registered veterinary technician.

She owns and operates a yoga school, rescues animals and loves to support others in their healing journey. She is currently finishing her PhD in Clinical Psychology and is looking forward to expanding her practice.

You can find her most days either with her pets at home in SouthWest Colorado or searching for crystals in the great outdoors.


Sally-Shakti Willow