
Couples coaching

Coaching a couple is such a thrill for me. It is a beautiful thing to sit with a couple and yet it seems as if there are three individuals in front of me.  The husband, the wife, and the marriage itself.  


Couples come to me repeating similar phrases. I want to share them with you:  

  • “I’m always so guarded and he’s always so optimistic. It’s like we can never be on the same team.”

  • “No one sees how much I do for this family.”

  • “We fall into the same cycle over and over. It’s like we can’t get out of this pattern we’re stuck in!”

  • “There just never seems to be enough time for each other.”

  • “We’re rarely on the same page about sex.  Either he wants it and I don't, or I want it and he doesn’t.” 

  • “We fight about everything,” or “we don’t talk about anything.”

  • “How can we both feel so alone in this marriage?”

Any of these sound familiar?  

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What I help these couples walk away with is:

  • Communication, connection, and joy in marriage.

  • Depth and vulnerability, getting naked in every way with one another.

  • Rebuilding your foundation so it’s built on intimacy.

  • Feeling like confident models of sustainable love for their children.  

  • Having his and her most candid, childlike desires expressed and met in the most delightful ways.  

  • He adores her and finally expresses it. She appreciates him and finally expresses it.  

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This container is for couples in leadership who are deeply committed to closeness and connection with each other as they each individually grow and expand.

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I believe deeply

that the most fulfilling life comes from experiencing true intimacy in our relationships. If you are here reading this, you likely believe that, too.


This coaching is not for couples where one partner drags along the other partner, who refuses to do any work on themselves or the relationship. It’s also not for couples where both partners incessantly blame the other, unwilling to take ownership in their contribution to their suffering. I don’t work with couples in these stages because I have found it to be completely ineffective. I highly recommend exploring individual coaching for the willing and active partner.  

To identify what package and pricing is the best fit for you, book your free call today. 


“We both realized, no matter what the price is, it is worth it. How could we put a price on this beautiful intimacy we are creating?! It’s priceless.”

Sam & Shailee Garcia


"We left most sessions actually giggling with each other!"

My husband and I hired Melisa to bring our marriage to a stronger level of love and connection. She showed us how to utilize our different personalities and love languages. Melisa made us feel comfortable. She talked to us like a trusted friend. My husband and I left most sessions actually giggling with each other and we now feel more connected and happier than ever! Thank you Melisa for showing us all the tools we needed to have the best marriage possible!



"...and now my husband is my number one fan."

After 30 years of marriage neither of us were experiencing joy and more or less tolerating each other.  I didn't feel heard or appreciated and definitely not the “loved or cherished” that romantic couples talk about. I never asked for anything and tried to do it all just to make him happy but it didn't work and I felt lost.  I decided to invest in myself.  I discovered that I am worthy of being a cherished and beloved wife… and now my husband is my number one fan. We finally speak the same language and we are there for each other in a beautiful way. This weekend we are going on our honeymoon at 33 years in, and I'm over the moon thrilled!! I know this wouldn't have been possible without working with Melisa.

Darla G, ID


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