
For the spiritual, high-achieving woman who wants greater life fulfillment and relationship bliss.


We have believed all the wrong things about ourselves. We have listened to the wrong voices and effectively shoved ourselves into boxes that do not support and empower us or the fulfillment we came to this earth to receive.

It’s time for that to change.

  • A high achiever who often finds yourself overwhelmed and anxious juggling all your roles as a business owner, leader, wife, and mother?

  • Someone who knows the value of your relationships but finds that you’re often too tired or disinterested in sex and physical intimacy?

  • Someone who cares deeply about your marriage but feels alone or unseen in that marriage? Or do you want to trust and receive your partner more, but always find yourself guarded, or continually feeling like there is something missing in your relationship?

  • Aware of feminine energy, but feel stuck in masculine energy more often than you want?

  • An incredible leader and task driver but tired of always having to be the strong one for everyone? Despite all you do, do you still sometimes find yourself feeling empty, alone, void or purposeless?

Hey Love, I’m so glad you’re here.

The truth about me? I never would have expected my life and marriage to be so amazing. Especially given all that we have endured (see my About Me section if we aren’t acquainted).

The reality is, true intimacy and being in my authentic feminine are the keys that have continued to unlock magic inside of me, and every part of my life… and I have now seen the same results in client after client.

But listen, I can’t stand masculine-energy-based copywriting.

This landing page is here to give you information about The Authentic Feminine program. I refuse to “sell you” the traditional way.

Trust your gut as you feel into how this resonates. Reach out if you have any questions. Above all, if you’re wrestling with any points of this decision, let’s have a conversation. My booking calendar is at the bottom of this page.

Love, Melisa

  • Feel deeply supported by the people around you so that you have space to dream and pursue your dreams from a place of ease?

  • Find flow in masculine/feminine energy that propels you forward, releasing the burnout and the tension existing in marriage?

  • Feel light, open and expansive, and trusting in your work and relationships so that you can wake up with enthusiasm about your life and go to bed with gratitude in your heart?

  • Rediscover your turn-on and wild sensual nature so that no part of you feels inhibited or subdued and you are wholly seen in your partnership?

  • Lead more often with your heart and highest truth so that you can feel tremendous confidence in your life and decisions?

  • Tap into your own personal Heaven that exists right here, right now?

  • Access the divine nature that already lives within you, so that you and your partner can enjoy what is meant to be a celestial union, your own personal heaven-on-earth?

  • Realign your priorities your way, releasing everyone’s shoulds for your life, and instead showing up every day turned on, electrified, and in deep peace about who you are and where you and your family are going?



“Nothing can hold me back from my own fulfillment.”

I began coaching with you a year ago, and I have got to tell you… When you told me that if I worked on myself, it would all become clear to me, I was terrified. I had no idea how I was ever going to get to that space.

I could not see myself separating myself and my happiness in the marriage that I had.

And now I see it. Like, I can't go back. I feel stronger. My inner-core feels so much more confident and joyful. I feel accepted and loved, and supported. It is soo wonderful and fulfilling. It was so scary, the idea that our marriage could end, and what that might mean for the kids and all of that… but right now, from where I am standing… I see myself here, with my business, my friends, my life, and even my marriage… nothing can hold me back from my own fulfillment.




This significant offer is focused on supporting you at the deepest level for personal, professional, and relationship transformation. It’s time to claim your fullest life and purpose NOW.

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  • You are always concerned with living your highest potential and divine nature.

  • You know that the masculine-energy paradigm doesn’t work for you and embrace a more heart-centered approach.

  • You understand the value of flow, openness, receiving, connection and vulnerability.

  • You want to be seen, heard, cherished, and adored in a connected, intimate relationship.

  • You are a high-level leader of the new world and know how important your preparation is, energetically, spiritually, and in your home, marriage and business.

  • You know that family and marriage are the most important things on the planet.

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  • You’re still looking for someone outside of you for all the answers. Within this container you are hiring a polarity and intimacy expert, however, your deepest wisdom is always the expert for your life and you will be an active participant in cocreating your best life. I will offer you tools and patterns that I have seen create success. But primarily I guide you with stories and questions to draw out your intuition greater than ever before.

  • You cling to the way society says to do life, business, and relationships. This program will be extremely uncomfortable for you if you refuse to question perfectionism within that paradigm. Much of the discomfort you experience today is a result of societal conditioning that we will spend time breaking down and questioning.

  • You refuse to make time for yourself. This will not help you if you aren’t willing to prioritize your heart and happiness.

  • You say you want to change but refuse to actually implement the wisdom and next steps that come through for you. I help my clients navigate the fear that comes up around change, but you have to be open and willing to change. This is first and foremost, a transformation space.

  • You are unwilling to go to the deepest places within yourself. Bringing forward the parts of ourselves that we have left in the shadows can be scary and usually, we shoved these parts of ourselves away at some point out of necessity and survival. But it has come at a tremendous cost as well, and these parts of us are the parts that are best at creating connections in relationships and magic for the rest of our life.




 The details

In this program, you will organize your focus around three pillars, Partner Intimacy, Sensuality, and Feminine Intuition.

Your True Identity As A Woman is the backbone course of this program containing potent instruction for you to watch/listen to, and workbooks to write alongside which you are welcome to work at your own pace throughout the program, but which are designed to build upon each other.

This is a hybrid design where you will receive one-on-one support as well as group-style support and the live calls are intuition and connection based and much more free-flowing than the coursework itself.

There is an emphasis on the divine feminine and studying women from history and mythical folklore to explore our roots as women and parts of women that are begging to be recovered.

This is a holistic approach to life, leadership, and relationships and therefore all are welcome, your past, your life experience, your desires, and even your daydreams. The things you have never told anyone, and the things you wish you could tell someone, are all welcome here.

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This is a 10 - month commitment.

It is the most powerful $11,111 investment you will ever make because it is about your own embodiment of all the wisdom and purpose living within you.

It will require an investment of your heart and soul, your time, and your commitment to yourself, to uncover you; something more powerful than you or I can even currently fathom, and more intimate and connected than you even knew existed, which will have a life-long impact on you and everyone around you.

We begin and your relationships and business transform as your whole worldview opens up.

I am not your guru, I am a guide inside the vast valley of the Divine Feminine within you, with the Universe as our container.

Together we will create deep fulfillment in your life,

full alignment in your leadership,

and true bliss in your relationships.


CEO at Quickening Inc.

"I didn’t have anyone holding space for my feminine power to expand to the next level.”

I didn’t have anyone holding space for my feminine power to expand to the next level. I was heavy in my relationship and didn’t feel cherished. After working with you some of the most suprising changes came in my business! I now feel more whole as a woman in business; we had huge shifts and created through the feminine, reconnecting to the bigger vision and have now called in hundreds of thousands in revenue for both ourselves and our clients. I feel more at peace with my marriage and I am settled deeper into hope. He also bought me over 10k of gifts and trips on his own... things I’ve always wanted.


Let’s explore how The Authentic Feminine will

Expand your life, business and relationships. Book an Intimacy Desires Connection Call with me today.


Get Started Queen

I highly suggest having a call with me prior to investing. If, however, we have either already spoken and you’re ready to jump OR you just know it’s time, decide which financial option is best for you. We reserve the right to issue a refund if Melisa decides the client-coach relationship is not a good fit. Otherwise, all sales are final.


10 monthly payments

$1,111 /mo

Yes, I'm in!

Pay in full *Best value


I'm All in !



Meet Melisa Keenan

Melisa is an international Feminine Intimacy Coach, USA Today Bestselling Author and Keynote Speaker and is the trailblazer of women pioneering the Intimacy Movement.

She believes in the building of a new society where no one settles for less, and everyone is consciously connected to their divinity, abundance, and healing abilities to more effectively link arms with and bless others.  Steeped in work with women and couples around intimacy, leadership, and masculine/feminine energy for the last 5 years, Melisa’s heart lights up supporting women in their divine authenticity. The personal development industry so often falls short to truly meet our needs and frequently leaves us feeling inadequate. She is deeply committed to helping women avoid the pain of a life lived only half-alive because they have been bombarded by “should’s" that they don’t even believe in. Melisa’s gifts lie in her fierce fearlessness of the darkness that can creep into our unconscious mind as a result of trauma and disconnection from our truth. Melisa has risen from the ashes multiple times since age twelve, from the death of her father, the abandonment of her mother as a child, to the betrayal of her spouse with three children in tow, not to mention recovering from addiction and building a 6+ figure relationship coaching business.  And yet still claimed joy as her birthright in the relationships in her life and took a stand for sovereignty and relationships everywhere.

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